Monday 28 June 2010

Charity Shopping

I actually bought this lot ages ago but I've only just got round to posting it, you know how it is.

I now own three leather jackets but this is the only one that is really leather. I couldn't believe my luck when I felt the soft leather in among the linen jackets and anoraks. Then I looked at the price, £6.50!?! It couldn't be real leather, could it? I searched for a label and yes it was! It looked small but I tried it on and it fitted just prefectly. Not getting much wear out of it at the moment as England has finally decided to give us some proper summer weather but certainly one of my better finds.

The skirt I'm wearing in the first picture (and on the pictures of my lacy shoulders top) is another charity shop purchase. When I bought it it had these massive buttons on the front, as seen above, which just looked odd so I whipped them straight off and they went into one of my many sewing boxes for possible use in some future project. Originally River island, £3.95.

This sheer blouse is Jasper Conran. It's not my usual style but makes a good summer cover up. £4.25.

And finally a couple of pieces of jewellery, pendant and earrings both £1.25 each.

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