Saturday 4 September 2010

OMG! A New Post?

I'm back! Sorry again for the lack of content over the past couple of weeks, as I explained I went on holiday then I was stewarding at Reading Festival. Then I got sick and all down about the prospect of applying for graduate jobs again. Anyway I'm hoping to get back into some kind of routine with the blog so lets get started.

I bought these shoes back in July from the Break Charity shop but only just got round to posting them. You know how it is, for one thing I never seemed to have decently polished toe nails when I thought of photographing them. On that note I'm not sure that green, ever, is a good toe nail colour. I'm thinking mine have ended up look slightly fungal, but at least I match my wallpaper. These shoes are really not my usual style, I tend to prefer more substantial styles, but they seemed such a bargain at £5 I figured I could make them work. It's also nice to have a few more lower heels in my wardrobe. They are originally Dorothy Perkins and are clearly a sale purchase that was never worn. The hint was the sale sticker left on one of the inner soles.


  1. I like the polish. It looks purposeful and not (just) like fungus.
