Wednesday 5 May 2010


One of the main aims of my pledge was to reduce my stash. FAIL! If anything it is bigger. As fast as I refashioned items I added new ones to it and couldn't stop myself buying old bed covers in charity shops in the hope that one day soon I would turn them all into pretty summer dresses. Here is a selection of fabrics that I purchsed during my pledge and remain in my stash dreaming of becoming a dress someday.

The fabric on the left is a single duvet cover that I purchased from Break charity shop for £2.50. The fabric is pretty thin so whatever I make I will have to line it. The one on the right is a double duvet cover with four matching pillow cases. It cost me £3.25 from Sue Ryder Care.

Both of these were £3 each. Since I bought the single duvet cover on the left I decided that I don't really like the odd yellowy/green leaves but I will use it to make a muslin of something. The fabric on the right is a double valance sheet and is actually a very dark green colour which I just couldn't get to show in my photographs.

Both of these fabrics were remnants. The top grey polka dot fabric was £6.24 for about 2 meters. I'm planning to make a blouse from it. The one below was £2.25 for 1 meter. I haven't decided what to do with it yet. That embroidery and beading will make it really difficult to cut. I don't want to have to cut through any of them so I will have to find a way to work around them.

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