Tuesday 4 May 2010

The Pledge Ends

My Wardrobe Refashion pledge ended on Friday. I've got to be honest with you. The last week was a total fail. Not only did I not refashion anything. I went shopping! I have an excuse. You may make your own minds up as to whether it is a good one. They were turning the power off in our village to do some work for the whole day on Thursday so mum suggested that we spend the day out of the house shopping. A girl can't let her mum down out can she? I know I am supposed to feel bad but then I look at the pretty new things in my wardrobe and well, I don't. I always said that I wasn't entering into the pledge in entirely the right spirit. However it has not I hope been a total waste of time. I have tried out some new techniques, made a few clothes wearable again and learnt not to pass up that huge skirt or dress in a pretty fabric in the charity shop. It can be altered or the fabric used for another project. I am also trying to change my attitude to shopping. Buying more expensive and better quality wardrobe essentials that will see me through every season rather than falling apart or going out of fashion after one.

Now let me display the shame I am meant to feel with a get out of jail free card.

Get out of Jail


  1. Oh, no need for brow-beating, darlin'. You do pretty great at the refashioning. I was just bouncing thru you site again and love all your remakes.

    Compared to most fashionistas, your carbon footprint is safely in the green tones. Besides, I'm sure you made Mumsie's day.

  2. I hope so, though I always end up buying more than her. Thanks for the lovely comment.
