Wednesday 11 August 2010

Kazakh Dress

Finally finished the sewing project that I mentioned back here over two weeks ago! Isn't it annoying how life just gets in the way some times? My grand plans for spending my summer doing nothing but sewing, socialising and sunbathing scuppered by mudane things like finding a flat, rain and insuring my car. I was kinda afraid to use this fabric that I bought when I was in kazakhstan. What if I ruined it? It was irreplaceable. After it had been sitting in my stash for nearly a year I decided that it was finally time to bite the bullet. I settled on making a shift dress to start with, one, because I have used this pattern several times before, see here and here, and two, because I thought such a bold print needed to be balanced by a simple dress.

* I totally loath those kinks that I get in the back of my hair, even my straighteners rarely deal with them. Luckily I don't see the back of my head too often*

The pattern is Burda Young 8123. The construction went well, the best with this pattern so far, although I still have trouble with the facings (I think they are a bit too big), finishing the shoulders and the fitting at the back. It fits fine across the front but pulls at the back although not as badly as it looks in the photo. It is certainly wearable. Obviously my pattern matching is nothing to write home about as you can see from the side seams and the zipper but I did make the effort to make sure that the print was at least level across all the pieces which was a new thing for me.


  1. oh you look wonderful and these shoes are wonderful and such ala Stella McCartney.


  2. Love your print dress!!

    Fab blog, definitely be back :) Come follow TBAG if you fancy. xxx
